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  • 天津大学研究生院
  • 洛阳师范学院
  • 国际关系学院硕士研究生招生
当前位置: 考研招生在线>考研备考>考研英语>


  • 小作文常用高分词汇:祝贺信

    第一部分:表示祝贺 I was very happy to learn that I was very delighted to hear the news that It is with great pleasure that I hear of your success. Please accept my warmest/heartiest congratulations(最衷心的祝贺). Allow me to convey my con...


  • 小作文常用高分词汇:邀请信

    第一部分:说明邀请目的 On behalf of, I have the honor to invite you to It is with the great pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to We should be very grateful if you could 第二部...


  • 小作文常用高分词汇:求职信

    第一部分:说明写信目的 I am writing in response to(回应) your advertisement in I am writing this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for I wo...


  • 小作文常用高分词汇:建议信

    第一部分:说明写信目的 You have asked me for some advice on how to improve. I will try to give some useful suggestions. I am writing to you to present what I think on the further improvement of so as to I would like to make a recommendatio...


  • 小作文常用高分词汇:申请信

    第一部分:说明写信目的 I would like to apply for (申请)admission to your college. I hope to pursue my Masters degree in your university. I would like to further my studies in department of your university. 第二部分:展开申请原因 My major i...


  • 小作文常用高分词汇:投诉信

    第一部分:说明投诉问题 I must complain about I am not satisfied with I feel something should be done about I am writing to inform(告知,代替tell)you that I findunsatisfactory I am writing to express/ air dissatisfaction/ disappointment/ co...


  • 大作文常用高分词汇:环境类

    雾霾haze 工业化industrialization 空气污染指数air pollution index 橙色预警orange alert 悬浮颗粒物airborne particulate matter 有毒物质toxic substance 空气质量检测air quality monitoring 有害空气污染物hazardous airborne pollutant 污浊的空气fou...


  • 平心静气 分项着手



  • 英语翻译学习方法如何正确掌握

    一个比喻 考研的学生面对翻译,只是初学者。我常常用弹钢琴和做翻译来做比较。我们常常有这样的感受,看到钢琴家坐在钢琴前面,双手如在键盘上舞蹈,随心所欲,想怎么弹就怎么弹。如果在现场的演奏会上,受到感染,即使我们没有弹过钢琴,也有一种感觉,自己...


  • 英语基础太差怎么办?词汇积累很重要!

    今天在这里跟大家分享有关提高考研英语词汇积累的六种方法,大家可以参考一下。 (一)每天定量记忆单词,并循环往复 坚持是获得成功的前提。 如果你的词汇量很小,就应该每天坚持背单词,并且一定要给自己规定好数量,每天至少拿出一定时间记忆50个单词。 在...
