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  • 考研英语:怎么高效备考英语新题型?

    英语(一)新题型 考试大纲指出,英语(一)新题型有3种备选题型:多项对应题、排序题、小标题题,每次考试从这3种备选题型中选择一种进行考查。 1)多项对应题:一篇总长度为500~600词的文章,其中有5段空白,文章后有6~7段文字。要求考生根据文章内容从这6~7段...


  • 考研英语:作文高分句型解析—表目的

    1) The purpose of a test is to show what you have leaned about a subject. 2) Believe it or not, her only purpose in saying all that is to help you help yourself 3) The purpose of the campaign was to catch ringersstudents who take tests for...


  • 考研英语:作文高分句型解析—表对比和比较

    1) Of all American cities, San Francisco is considered by many to be by far the most beautiful. 2) Jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and contentment. 3) We are much less conscious of the extent to whic...


  • 飞速背英语单词的20种方法,总有一个适合你!

    1.内部联系记忆法 我们可以通过单词本身内在的联系去理解记忆,例如:1)、整体认识:后缀tion,所牵扯到的单词有,communication(交流、沟通、通讯等意)、education(教育、培养等意)、consideration(考虑、认为等意)、graduation(毕业、本科等意)、introduct...


  • 作文高分句型解析—There be句型

    There be结构 1) There are other techniques that might help you with you studying. 2) There is more entertainment in a good book than is a month of typical TV programming. 3) Most curious of all, there was no quality control whatever. 4) Th...


  • 考研英语:作文高分句型解析—It 结构

    It 结构 1) It is advisable to exercise(拥有) patience in dealing with such complicated situations. 2) It is advisable to place important telephone numbers nest to the phone in case of an emergency. 3) It is biologically reasonable for deer...


  • 考研英语:这五类情感态度词千万不能选

    1.表达歧视、偏见、不平等的词 eg.discrimination,prejudice,bias,unfair,contemptuous,scornful 这些词是考研中高频出现的,也就是说还有一些其他的表达这一类意思的词也不能...


  • 考研英语各题型答题技巧汇总,超全!

    一、完型填空 今天给大家介绍破解完型填空的最重要的一种方法成分搭配法。 句子是由各种成分组成的。各种句子成分之间能够彼此搭配,互相适应,才能组成通顺的句子。而完型填空就是要求考生们选出能跟其前后的词汇彼此搭配在一起的词。举个中文的例子。我们...


  • 考研英语:暑期复习各模块应该复习到这个程度!

    1、记忆单词 有的同学说,只要你的英语四六级过关,你的考研英语成绩就高,这种说法是错误的,二者没有必然的联系,不同之处是题型和试题难度都不一样,二者相同之处是在于英语词汇的大量积累,不管哪种类型的英语考试都必须从积累词汇开始,英语词汇积累到...


  • 考研英语阅读理解的50个致命词汇

    1. authority 权威,当局 Mexican authorities noticed a large number of hospitalizations and deaths among healthy adults. 墨西哥当局注意到,在成年人中有大量人住院。 One authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not on...
